Painting the Street Scenes, Oaxaca, Mexico

5x7 watercolor - Colors of Oaxaca El Pollo Rico - Buy it

5x7 watercolor - Colors of Oaxaca El Pollo Rico - Buy it

I reached day 75 of my 100 day challenge today! Last 2 weeks have taken me back to a trip to coastal Oaxaca and the beach towns of Zipolite, Mazunte, Puerto Angel. My kids were 2 and 5 back then. We stayed in the lovliest indoor/outdoor Casita run by an Italian couple. Delicious, fresh Oaxacan cuisine would have been enough but the added bonus of the tastiest freshest Italian food still makes my mouth water.

5x7 watercolor  -  Pecaderia, Oaxaca  - Buy it

5x7 watercolor - Pecaderia, Oaxaca - Buy it

At the time, Pochutla was our closest Atm. We took the local colectivo for a day trip into town to explore. Pochutla is not a tourist destination, all the more charming, an authentic capture of daily life. With 2 kids in tow I knew I had to come back solo for a day of exploring and documenting on my own.

5x7 watercolor - La Flor Del Cafe, Colorful Shop Fronts of Mexico - Buy it

5x7 watercolor - La Flor Del Cafe, Colorful Shop Fronts of Mexico - Buy it

During this 100 day challenge smaller groupings have appeared, nothing I could have planned just the results of a daily practice and putting in the time. I covered my food groups in this Oaxacan mini series; Frutas y Legumes, Pescaderia, Rosticeria, Taqueria, Queseria, and EL Mundo Del Dulce. Its making me very hungry.

5x7 watercolor - Mundo Del Dulce, Oaxaca Street Scenes - Buy it

5x7 watercolor - Mundo Del Dulce, Oaxaca Street Scenes - Buy it

Pochutla shops fronts are intense with color, quirky graphics, awnings and just enough grafitti to keep it real. I walked up and down each and every street documenting almost every building so that I could paint it once I got home.

5x7 watercolor - Frutas Legumes, Potchutla, Oaxaca - Buy it

5x7 watercolor - Frutas Legumes, Potchutla, Oaxaca - Buy it

The watermelons were huge and deliciously sweet! It was market day and farmers were there with baskets full of fruits and vegetables. A watermelon was my last purchase of the day.

5x7 watercolor - Colorful Shopfronts of Mexico - Buy it

5x7 watercolor - Colorful Shopfronts of Mexico - Buy it

Primary colors in pastel tints, tropical foliage, sun umbrellas, balconies and electrical wires all come together for a fun little scene to paint.

5x7 watercolor - Pink Taqueria Oaxaca Color - Buy it

5x7 watercolor - Pink Taqueria Oaxaca Color - Buy it

Cafe con leche, my camera and sketch book, it was a good day.


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Women of India, Paintings